Tyler Delivers Better Turf.
For lush golf courses and beautiful landscapes to tough athletic fields, the Tyler product line is a winner every time. Get stronger more beautiful turf with fewer feedings using Tyler’s water-soluble turf fertilizers with UMAXX® Stabilized Nitrogen. Our granular formulas include Greenlinks for Golf courses and Greensward for athletic fields, landscape and lawn care. We carry a large line of herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides to further protect your turf from pests and the effects of the environment.
Our custom blended product brands are recognized for quality and results by the markets we serve. Whatever your application, the specialists at Tyler Enterprises can custom blend the right the fertilizer for your site-specific needs.
Tyler also offers a full line of bulk amendments, minerals, grass seeds, micronutrients, fungicides, pesticides and chemicals to round out your turf care program.
Designed to provide the plant a quick potassium response after application.
Designed to give plants a total balance of nutrients for lush, green growth.
An ideal balance of Nitrogen and Potassium.
Alienates the stress that bentgrass commonly suffers from.
Replaces nutrients that bentgrass takes from the soil and assist the turf to stand up to heavy traffic
Designed to strengthen plants for better keeping qualities.
46-00-00 U-Flexx® Standard
A slow-release, stabilized Nitrogen formula formulated for professional lawn care and landscaping.
A slow-release, stabilized Nitrogen formula that protects against Nitrogen loss.
A high Nitrogen formula derived from Urea.
Highest quality granular potassium sulphate.
A starter formula with emphasis on Phosphorous and Potassium.
A starter formula for deficient soil - safe to use with new seedlings.
A balanced control-release fertilizer formula safe for new seedlings.
Control-release formula ideal for newly established turfgrass.
A control-release polymer coated blend.
A control-release polymer coated blend.
A control-release polymer coated blend.
A control-release polymer coated blend.
A control-release polymer coated blend.
A control-release polymer coated blend.
25-00-15 2Fe 50% Ultra/ Muriate/ Iron
A control-release polymer coated blend.
A control-release polymer coated blend.
A control-release polymer coated blend.
20-20-10 50% Duration 45/Muriate
A blend for roughs with 50% of nitrogen as Duration slow release.
25-00-05 80% Duration 120/Muriate
A blend for roughs with 80% of nitrogen as Duration slow release.
A blend for roughs with 80% of nitrogen as Duration slow release.
25-00-10 50% Duration 45/Muriate
A blend for roughs with 50% of nitrogen as Duration slow release.
A blend for roughs with 50% of nitrogen as Duration slow release.
14-14-14 50% XCU/ sop/ organic filler
Contains XCU for up to 10 weeks of steady nutritional uptake.
15-01-10 4Fe 50% Organic/50% Nutralene/ sop/ micros
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
20-02-07 2Fe 25% Organic/25% Ultra/ sop/ Iron
Designed to strengthen roots.
20-05-20 25% Organic/ 25% Nutralene/ sop/ micros
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
A mid size, quality Potassium Sulphate.
08-04-24 45% Nutralene/ sop/ micros
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
10-10-20 1Fe 50% XRT/ sop/ micros
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
15-00-15 Ammonium Sulfate/ sop
Ideal for warm season grasses.
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
20-02-20 1Fe 75% Nutralene/ sop/ micros
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
20-10-10 All Mineral Starter+sop
A balanced, mineral enhanced blend.
A flexible fertilizer that can be applied anytime during the season.
24-00-12 60% Nutralene/ 20% Nitroform/sop
The combination of Nutralene and Nitroform make for a consistent, long-lasting feed.
25-05-15 60% Nutralene/ sop/ micros
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
A combination of 50% control-release nitrogen for ideal green up response.
A combination of 50% control-release nitrogen for ideal green up response.
A combination of 50% control-release nitrogen for ideal green up response.
A combination of 80% control-release Duration nitrogen.
A combination of 80% control-release Duration nitrogen.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
Polymer XRT consistently releases nitrogen based on temperature.
Designed to strengthen plants for better keeping qualities
00-00-09 4# K-Mag 5# Gypsum mix
Providing balanced soil fertility.
Enhanced with Gypsum to correct calcium levels.
Enhanced with Gypsum to correct calcium levels.
MAP is an excellent source of phosphorous and nitrogen.
10-01-15 1Fe 50% Organic/ 50% Nutralene/ sop/ micros
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
Urea is commonly known for quick green up response.
12-00-20 Ammonium Sulphate/sop
This form of nitrogen is easily taken up and used by turf.
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
15-00-15 Ammonium Sulphate/sop
This form of nitrogen is easily taken up and used by turf.
15-00-30 75% Nutralene/ sop/ micros
Nutralene offers long lasting nutrition for up to 16 weeks.
Offering a full line of preemergent and postemergent formulas.
Control disease with preventative or contact formulas.
Curative and preventative chemicals in a range of classes.
Tyler is also your single source for growth regulators, wetting agents, aquatic products, and bio-pro products. Consult with your knowledgeable representative to identify the right products to support your fertilizer program.
Partner With Us Today
Need a unique formulation? Our team will work with you to ensure you receive the most effective and highest quality blend to meet your specifications.